What’s happening with The Day Before: 3D News investigation

What’s happening with The Day Before: 3D News investigation

In recent weeks the ambitious project The Day Before from the Fntastic studio has been constantly at the center of several scandals. The game has already been removed from Steam, and the authors themselves are accused of plagiarizing assets from projects of other studios. The other day, several videos of the game were completely removed from Fntastic’s YouTube channel – allegedly for copyright infringement. 3D News found out what is happening inside the company. Below we summarize the most interesting.

The Day Before

Fntastic obliges employees to work for free: working hours are not fixed in the employment contracts. Refusion to work for free is followed by criticism, and in some cases, dismissal.

As a result, Fntastic has a rather high staff turnover, which greatly complicates the direct work on the project. Poor management also has a strong impact on the production process: some decisions are canceled at the last moment, that has a direct effect on the speed of development.

The Day Before

But there is good news – the game, despite to the statements of some skeptics, really exists. But the release of The Day Before is still very far away: the project was assembled “into something whole” only at the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022.  Apparently, this is the reason why there was no intelligible gameplay in the published videos.

The Day Before is being developed being developed on Unreal Engine 5. The game will be released on PC and current generation of Xbox and PlayStation.

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