Neil Druckmann: The Last of Us: Part III will happen if we come up with a good story

The news contains spoilers for the next episodes of The Last of Us.
In an interview with BuzzFeed, The Last of Us game director and screenwriter Neil Druckmann talked about the possibility of a triquel to the franchise. According to him, this will happen if Naughty Dog can come up with a good story for it. At the same time, Sony does not put pressure on the studio and developers themselves determine their next project.
In another interview – this time with Variety – Druckmann shared a plot for abandonned The Last of Us: Part II DLC. The add-on was supposed to tell about Anna, Ellie’s mother, and it would be based on the story of the game director, which he wrote for a short animation film.

As a result, this story transformed into the basis for the storyline in the TLoU series, where Anna was played by Ashley Johnson (Ellie’s voice in the game).
The Last of Us series has become one of the most watched shows on HBO. The second episode of the show was watched by 5.7 million people – this is a record for the channel.
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