Insider: the new version of PS5 will not receive improved hardware

Rumors about more powerful revision of the PS5 continue circulate, but not everyone agrees with them. Well-known insider Tom Henderson believes that the new version of the Sony’s console will differ from the base version not in a way that players would like.
According to Henderson, the new revision will be more Slim than Pro-version: it will get a removable Blue-Ray drive, that makes the console cheaper. Visually the console will not much differ from the original PS5. At the same time, the tentative release of the new revision is scheduled for the fall of this year, and the production of the original PS5 will stop in the the end of 2023.
Henderson also shared his thoughts about PS5 Pro. According to him, Sony considers that the potential of the current hardware is not fully revealed. Given that the most of Sony’s releases are still on PS4, this argument seems quite logical